Sunday, January 04, 2009


Burris is no idiot. In fact, he's crazy like a fox.

Roland Burris is right in line with the other "grabbers" in Chicago and Illinois politics. Burris sees an opportunity and he's going for it. What else would a 71 year old man want from a political career that was the envy of many but also dull, dull, dull.

Roland Burris is acting out a REVENGE OF THE NERDS psychology that will have people talking about him long after this end game has played out. Burris never had that as Illinois Attorney General or as Illinois Comptroller. This is his moment in the national spotlight, his fifteen minutes of fame in DC. It must have burned his hide to see an uppity upstart like Barack Obama become a US Senator and then President-elect of the United States.

Like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and other Civil Rights and post-Civil Rights era Black men, Burris sees what was denied him rather than what he effectively laid the groundwork for by being the first African American elected to statewide office.

Burris is through with playing the good Negro and now is going after what is "rightfully" his.

Is he deluded in accepting Blagojevich's offer? Absolutely!

Will he back down now that he has the national spotlight? Hell No!

Get the popcorn ready, Marge. This week is going to be good watching.