Wednesday, December 24, 2008


What's the most revealing movie of the past two years? It's not about high flying special effects, Brad Pit getting old, or Sean Penn playing a gay rights hero. It's not any of these, however, Penn is a part of what I found affecting about movies over the last two years. One movie in particular I dug, which represents the Thoreauvian dystopia that is America now. Into the Wild is Penn's take on John Krakauer's non-fiction book recounting the tale of Christopher McCandless. McCandless leaves his comfortable life and heads off to find himself in the wilds of Alaska. Just like Thoreau did around Walden Pond for two years, two months, and two days, McCandless discovers the essence of an uniquely American philosophy: one's self versus community.

The trailer from "Into the Wild" reveals this most distinct of national traits--Horatio Alger, Abraham Lincoln, George Bailey, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, et. al. The American mythos is about humble beginnings, big visions, and open hearts. It's about crackpots and loopy, devoted followers: Log Cabin Republicans, Reagan Democrats, Mr. Martini, Obama Mamas, etc. Who will be following Christopher McCandless into the wild?

Along with his role in the movie "Milk," Sean Penn creates two memorable characters on the edge of society, much in the same way that Robert DeNiro and Martin Scorsese did in the '70s and '80s.